
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

2012 Cirque du Cyclisme - Leesburg, VA

2012 Cirque Results HERE.

2012 Cirque Results HERE.

I had a phenomenal time at the 2012 Cirque du Cyclisme and wish to thank Dale Brown, MJ, Wayne, and all of those who brought their wonderful bicycles to the show. It was great to put faces to so many of the names I've become familiar with on the CL List over the past few months. This was my first Cirque, and I hope to make this an annual event.

Twenty-five years ago I hung out with "cyclists," but they were competitive racers and had no real interest in their bicycles beyond how many grams they could shave off of them. I learned a lot about riding from them, but found no kinship in my love of the gear. The fine folks that I've met through the Classic Rendezvous Google Group (The CL List) and those at the Cirque love cycling as a sport, but also love these simple, elegant machines that we collect. It isn't about weight, it's about legacy, workmanship, creativity, and inspiration. I've found my people! :)

Many photos are online, and here's a sample:

From Dale Brown - click HERE and HERE.

From Thomas Adams - click HERE.

More of mine - click HERE.

Also, please check out Mike Kelly's blog HERE. He has taken the time to do a better job writing up the Cirque and has many nice photos as well.

If you have pics of the 2012 you'd like to share, leave a comment with the link to the pics and your name, and I'll add them to this post. 

Thanks! Can't wait for next year!

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