
Monday, December 12, 2011

Show of Steel Bikes - All the Photos

Here's a LINK to all the photos from the Show of Steel Bikes in Orange, CA last Sunday 12/4/11. A special thank to Jesse from TorelliFan Web site and his team/friends for making this show happen. 

Jesse and I have been in touch since, and he's looking to bring another show to our area in the Spring. You can be sure I'll promote this and report on it for the community. 

I've added captions to as many bikes as I could within the photos, as best as my memory allows. If you have any specific questions on a bike pic in this collection, shoot me an email or comment below and I'll do my best to find an answer. Thanks.

If you know of any other shows that highlight vintage road bikes, chime on in; we'd love to hear from you.

Here's the video animation of the photos. Enjoy!

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